killin' my computer
i still can't install anything. work on anything or do anything other than itunes, aim, and internetz on my computerbut seeing its the end of the year, lets venture into the best/worst albums of 2007! (it had to have came out in 2007)
saves the day "under the boards" much hype surrounded this album with all live versions of songs from this album. the second installment of the trilogy that started last year with "sound the alarm" is just perfect in every way. saves the day has finally broke away from all mainstream 'emo' acts as just a solid rock band. a solid concept album flows so well together its like one long song, but not like the mars volta, you get it. you can tell as a song writer chris is maturing and thats great, plus david soloway's guitar work, along with conleys is just amazing. to everyone who thinks they peaked at the 2001 landmark album "stay what you are"YOU are wrong. "daybreak" the third and final part of the trilogy is set to be out next year.
turobonegro "retox", the first time i heard this album i was really aggravated over something that prob dont matter now, but from the first guitar riff in the opener 'we're gonna drop the atom bomb" you know you are in for something special. considering turobnegro has i think 7 (?) albums out now it might be hard to say whats better than the other, but in my opinion this album is the most: clever, catchy, heavy (at times), and just has that turbonegro sound at their best. plus seeing them live in new york city a month after "retox" came out really made the album seem that much better, and if you dont know what i mean listen this album about 10 times, then go see them live in the biggest city on earth in the front row with euroboy soloing 3 ft from you and hanks gut inches from you. then you realize "retox" is a gem. plus "boys from nowhere" might be there second best song .will ANY song they ever write top "i got errection" NO. again simply amazing guitar work on this album.
ted leo and the pharmacists "living with the living" when your a late 30-early 40 something who is considered a indie rock legend topping your past might be the biggest challenge, and when you write about political things that makes it even harder to keep an album/band fresh. still ted and friends did it here, and did it very well. the opening song "the sons of cain" quickly became one of my favorite ted songs ever. the thing i love about LWTL is its more punk influenced to me than most of his other albums. plus every song kinda has its own groove to it, he has a punk song, a reggae song, a song on the ep that could easily be a marvin gaye song, a beatles-esq song, a flute solo and a drummer with a huge beard. i mean the marvin gaye alone is all you need. the real stand out track to me is the first single "bomb.repeat.bomb" not even for the political message of it but because it sounds like nothing hes done before its just great that even now ted can explore new avenues and genres to conquer.
other albums/EP's worth mentioning:
the weakerthans "reunion tour"
the foundry field recordings "fallout sessions EP"
the arcade fire "neon bible"
lcd soundsystem "sound of silver"
the new trust "dark is the path which lies before us"
now on to the worst of 2007...
kevin drew "sprit if", when i heard the song he posted on myspace "tbtf" i got really excited because its a really good song and it did have the broken social scene sound. so i got it and i dont know what happened, its so boring, songs are 5 mins long and go NOWHERE. i dont mind long songs but some of these songs are just too long after 30 seconds. i mean at least keep me interested.
cobra starship "viva la cobra!" i do admit ive came around to this album and i listen to it often now but c'mon gabe you STILL are in the punk/emo scene. the first album still had punk/midtown elements and you played everything on it. on this one having patrick stump (over) produce you and now having a band prob didn't do you so well in the creative realm. read down a few posts and hear my first reaction to it. luckily the first 3 songs on the album are good enough that it can carry the next 8 songs and make it decent. still i love cobra to death i think after hearing 2 of the 3 good songs that leaked before the album ("gulty pleasure" and "the city is at war") and with how good the first album one i was really let down by it. and thats why its in this category. guess what? ill still wear my cobra hoodie, ill still go see them live and yes ill know every word on this album. why? because its so bad at times its awesome, and thats why gabe saporta is superior to everyone else in that clique of bands cs is grouped with.
alright thats it. i put off studying for psychology to write this.
happiness is all the rage
its 2:12 am i cant sleep, and i need to be awake at 930 to go to work. willie is leaving for military monday, and i wont see him again till april. the kid who's been like my best friend since like last year-ish is gone. i wish he was staying, again one less person of ever diminishing friends to hang out with. i just wonder what i do wrong with everything, why i cant sleep, why im so tired all the time, why im so depressed in general. im so lonely its gross. its always i can hang out with a million girls who mean nothing to me all the time but its always the one i want to give a fuck about i never get anything to go right. always. im so sick of everything. in genneral
i dont care about anything anymore, i got no direction.
i feel like if woxy did really blow up, i sold millions of records id still be miserable, alone and unhappy.
at the end of my rope
i have NEVER in my life been so frustrated before
nothing works right (i.e. computer)i hate school; more i want to change major. some kinda outer space science, not like an star gazer astronomer but more in depth with the universe. all i do is watch tv/internet shows on national geographic about it i'm beyond fascinated with outer each day passes i feel like film/art is not for me anymore. i know i got the talent but it's just a lack of motivation. nothing out there is making me want to push myself, nothing is wowing me. and it just makes me feel like whats the point. same goes for music. i've bought A LOT of albums over the years but how many at the end of the day can i say i really like (i mean still listen to, to this day like i did when i first got it) 4?-5? tops. the last time i heard something that was going to change my life was in 2004 when 'forget what you know' came out. and guess what. it was a failure to the band which lead to them breaking makes me think whats the point to anything if thats the case. if someone can make a masterpiece that no one gets then what the point in the first place? self dignity can only go so far.i feel like i have no identity anymore. i'm stressed out 24/7.
i worry about the present/future constantly. (where am i going to finally settle on for school, does love really exist outside of sex, where is life really taking me, will be alone forever, do i really have friends anymore or do i just force myself to hang out with the people i always have, does anything really matter in the first place)
i dream about my death and ex girlfriends almost every night. i wake up thinking a bridge i burned with someone is mended to wake up and realize nothing changed, or i wake up thinking i just fell off a bridge into a cold body of water, waking up seconds before impact)
who am i? i feel like i have no idea anymore. i feel like the past few years have been a continuous black hole that never ends.
i'm not saying my life sucks; it don't at all for the most part i'm blessed to have parents who have given me the best life possible
but somethings got to change very soon. i cant go in the direction i am now and achieve the goals i have in my head.
i'm putting this out in the open, not for you to feel bad for me of offer me some inspiring lecture. this is just how i feel now. not tomorrow not yesterday. right now. this very moment. it will change, as does everything. but i need to get it out. and i dont care what you think. i cant bottle up everything forever.
i finally understand what every song on 'threes' by sparta is about.
i'm going to throw my computer out the window
i cant get any programs to install off it, i got to restart it for various reasons all the time
ive had it!
sams video is not looking very good right now.............
anyways i saw against me! and sage francis last night. fun stuff
i dont know if im going to maritime in boston, its not that i dont have the money its just... well i might need to save some of it for a computer/winter break adventures!
well this sucks
yesterday my computer got a huge spyware virus. what it was i dont know. so to play it safe and make sure none of the credit card numbers get stolen, i recovered my comp. now everything on my comp is how it was years ago when i got it. i lost photoshop and other programs i used all the time. luckly all my media stuff is backed up on my external, but my computer is not the same. the virus had a effect on the system as in the comp is slower than usual now.
but good does come out of it. maybe a new macbook for me at christmas. yes its looking good.
anyways i saw ted leo last night at skidmore. his guitar/amp was blown so he was hard to hear but once again they put on one amazing show. plus a misfits cover (of my fav misfits song on top of that, hybrid moments)
so wednesday im seeing against me! and sage francis. good times are a coming.
maybe the locust that weekend but who knows with that one. maritime the last week of nov in boston
im still a busy boy.
i dont know when im going to work more on sams video. i want to finish it but its seeming imposable right now.
alright over and out cap'n
best weekend ever?
possibility, yes. let me break this down.
saturday: nyc for velvet teen who played a fantastic set. short but amazing. i'll deff be seeing them again. although if you want to take a cab to the knitting factory tell the driver its broadway and lenoard! if not he will peace on you.
sunday: cobra starship upstate. gabe saporta knows and remembers me! how nuts is that! its weird when an idol to you knows you. i got info on midtowns final show. its gonna be when all the boys got time off, and it will be in nj. but it WILL happen. get excited kids!
to filming stuff i should be shooting more of sams video this week. i hope to get it done soon. wish me luck with that.
aiiight so i started tone pony's video to 'brighter', and when i say started i mean we just started it. although the first like 40 seconds of it are done. once we get a really bright not a cloud in the sky day we can do the bulk of the outdoor stuff which is the heart of the video.anyways more to that as it this weekend is going to be a busy one, why you ask? well, saturday the velvet teen in new york city at the knitting factory. sunday show upstate to basically see a 25 min cobra starship set. the upside to that info on midtowns final show, and to hear some good (they are only playing the songs i like off the new record) jams.anyways this is best pic ever that i've been in...between shane being all bloody and me looking like a 70's porn director, it qualify's as the best pic ever.