Wednesday, August 31, 2005

tony bailey and weeman buttons

tony bailey button
kyle button

thanks to tony for making that one to add to the designs. submit some designs if you want.
oh and buy some skate movie 2's their so cute.

button designs

so i made some designs for some buttons...

hobo button

logo button

kut you button

so none of those designs are final. nor is me even getting them made. but either way, tell me what you think of them and favorites and stuff.

also in huge news, the movie "lyles dream girl" is going to be a reality!!! same for the funny music video for motion city soundtrack i want to to. thank goodness our star actor (kyle) said he'd do it. weeman power!

also i got the new death cab for cutie album today, "plans" great album pick it up.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

sticker designs

wow 2 straight days of posting something. i feel productive now.

anyways, i designed a few stickers so check them out...

jackishaggard logo with hobo

purple starfish sticker

and those are the stickers i hope to get to printed, if anyone knows all about how to get them printed please give me some info on it! id love to get these stuck all over the northeast. also if you know about button making id like some info on that as well. im working on designs for that as well.

and always buy a skate movie 2 for $5, i heard there in style for fall fashon.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

new purple starfish mp3 and soundclick site

alright so go here to check out the new purple starfish mp3

sea side (feat. chris brown)

the mp3 wont be up for download untill tomorrow (sunday) but you can go to the purple starfish sound click page and i think you can steam the song untill tomorrow.

also no boston this year for me. im staying local. so be prepaired for all kinds of movies coming out in the next year. "lyles dream girl"? "hourglass"?! new snowboard movie? skate movie 3?! only time will tell.

also buy skate movie 2's there still for sale!!! there pretty awsome too. so check that out!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

more purple starfish mp3's

we recorded more today and we have more mp3's

we're going gold

clover colored disco

cell phones cause brain damage

well kids enjoy. apparently tony, chris, and i are making some kinda weird...emo video tomorrow. awsome!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

purple starfish mp3's and skate movie 2's back in stock!

by looking at the side with all the other links is some purple starfish mp3's (right click save as).

  • purple starfish "ben and jerry's" mp3

  • purple starfish "beautiful mess" mp3

  • we hope to have more purple starfish songs up as soon as we record more.

    so in other news i got a fresh new box made of skate movie 2's so get them before...there gone and you got to wait a day to get more dvd's to print. so you know what to do buy a skate movie 2 for $5 and ill love you forever. all the cool kids are buying them!!

    Wednesday, August 17, 2005

    purple starfish

    the band purple starfish, a band made up of mike zorn and me nick blair, is recording and right now we got two jams on our site which you can hear at expect our ep "wednesday afternoon" to be coming out soon!!!

    so today i shot the tralior/real early preview for the skate movie 3...still untitled, so expect to see that up online soon.

    and as always buy a skate movie 2. there selling like hot cakes and you know you want one. cuz all the cool kids are.

    Monday, August 15, 2005

    skate movie 2 dvds back in stock!!!!! and skate movie 1 on kazaa and other file sharing sites?!

    thats right i got a fresh new box up for sale. there $5 a piece and is pure skateboarding bliss.

    if you dont buy one for me buy one from a mr. nick atkatz (as pictured), he's going around selling some too. dont be afriad of nick hes a sexxy man who wants you to see the skate movie. he helped out alot in the movie, so BUY ONE!!!!

    other then that i plan on getting my cleaner for my camera tomorrow so i film the very very early preview of the skate movie part three...still untitled, on wednesday with sir chris.

    also it was brought to my attention that the the skate movie 1 is on file shareing sites like kazaa. i think thats pretty cool even if people are seeing it for free. so if you wanna see that movie id check it out there...cuz a reprint prob wont happen till like spring..if it even does.

    so buy a dvd, look out for nick atkatz and keep buying dvds. tell all your friends!!!

    Saturday, August 13, 2005

    skate movie news, dvd news, etc.

    alright first and formost i have to thank the people who are buying/bought the dvd. it really means alot that people actually want to see my movies. and as always its $5 and has some of the best skating toga has to offer.

    (EDIT:) so i got my lens which is pretty sweet, and i got a box of dvds all printed up and ready to go. so im stocked again. (9:21pm)

    so the first box of dvds is sold out. but alas im buying more today and they will be up for sale as as soon as their made. and im finally getting the lens i want for part 3...its still untitled...for now!

    alright keep buying dvds, and showing the amazing support this movie is getting and ill keep yall informed on here. thank you all.

    p.s. buy a shirt from they are pretty sexy shirts. i know i got one.

    Wednesday, August 10, 2005

    skate movie dvd DONE up for sale!!!!!!!!

    thats right! the dvd is finally out!!! i got a fleet of copys made and they are ready to be sold! so what are you waiting for buy one!!!! its $5 so if you want one get in contact with me in anyway shape or fourm!!!!

    so on to other things, i fixed the thingie on here so anyone can leave a comment so please do so, say anything you want. be liek yo i want the movie. so yeah get commenting!

    and with the release of the movie, my beard like thing is finally gone. so what now.

    so please please please buy a dvd its like 98798798 times better thern then the first skate movie. i promise!

    Monday, August 08, 2005

    snowboard movie printing and skate movie 2 update

    so the snowboard movie "a day with tim and tony" was finally printed today! if you want a copy of that id get in contact with tony and/or tim by going or both do movies too, so check their sites out!!!!

    in other news, hopefully (cross your fingers) tomorrow or wednesday the skate movie 2 should be all on dvd looking pretty!!! either way we should have all the copys by friday to sell.

    as always orders are being taken so get in contact with me if you want a copy!!!!

    thats all for now, ill have news regarding the skate movie copys soon, like next 2 days soon!

    Friday, August 05, 2005

    dvd update and stickers?

    alright, so after spending all day and chris' i got some not so bad news. his comp can make the dvd!!! after a few failed attempts i think we're gonna have it down now! sooo expect copys to go up for sale this week!!! as always you can reserve a copy by getting in contact with me. dvd are $5 but im sure you all knew that.

    alright so in other news, jackishaggard...shirts, stickers, and pins?! well its all up in the air but im looking into stickers and making some designs for all that stuff. so right now my sticker design im more then likely going to get printed is....

    Wednesday, August 03, 2005

    left overs

    so i found some skate movie 1 left over copys. about 3 to be exact. anyhoot i have no need for these so if you want one along with the skate movie 2. just let me know. maybe a reprint of the skate movie 1 is in order...anyways if you want both of the movies its $5 unless its a mailorder (shipping sucks i know) its $7 for both.

    and as always the skate movie part 2 is $5 and has a crap load of bonus stuff along with some of the best skating saratoga has to offer. like casey schultz...

    and hopefully i will have copys to start selling on friday. pending on chris is home....

    Monday, August 01, 2005

    i have a cause...

    i broke my digital picture camera!!!! the lens like fell off when i turned it on!!! soo now the skate movie profits are going twards a cause. the new digi cam foundation! sooo if you want to contribute to this cause please buy a skate movie!!! its $5 and now goes twards a great cause!!! if you want a copy of the movie please please please get in contact with me or email me at and i shall ship you a dvd full of skateboarding and other random bonus stuff!!!

    so in other "news" i got an idea to shoot a new music video for "pristine" by the switch. i got a few ideas for what i want to do, but i think ill have fun with it. personally i like the switch better then veeda and aaron's solo stuff. anyways the switch is a great band so check them out at

    okay cool!