skate movie 2 dvds back in stock!!!!! and skate movie 1 on kazaa and other file sharing sites?!
thats right i got a fresh new box up for sale. there $5 a piece and is pure skateboarding bliss.if you dont buy one for me buy one from a mr. nick atkatz (as pictured), he's going around selling some too. dont be afriad of nick hes a sexxy man who wants you to see the skate movie. he helped out alot in the movie, so BUY ONE!!!!
other then that i plan on getting my cleaner for my camera tomorrow so i film the very very early preview of the skate movie part three...still untitled, on wednesday with sir chris.
also it was brought to my attention that the the skate movie 1 is on file shareing sites like kazaa. i think thats pretty cool even if people are seeing it for free. so if you wanna see that movie id check it out there...cuz a reprint prob wont happen till like spring..if it even does.
so buy a dvd, look out for nick atkatz and keep buying dvds. tell all your friends!!!
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