this week
so this week has begun and it's the week i've been looking forward to! i saw 2 nights of the foundry field recordings last week which was awesome (i mean the live show is almost better than the nearly perfect album/ep's) and billy is the nicest guys ever so made it that much better.
the first night of saves the day and alkaline trio was last night and that show was great, i can't wait to see the same tour again tomorrow night in manhattan!
friday is the get up kids here in manhattan which is going to be amazing, then i'm seeing them again the next day on saturday at bamboozle (i got my ticket and everything finally for pretty cheap) along with set your goals, new found glory, ishc, and few others thrown in there.
after that i'm done with show thing till i move back home in a few weeks, which is on may 15 but then i might have to come back that monday for my final class on that monday but i'm trying to get out of it... i'm kinda schooled out, i dont know if i got 3 more weeks left in me... espically with all the work i got to. but alas i'm sure it will be better than being home all summer.
i'll update or try to sunday after 'show week' is over!
can't slow down part two
or part three, i don't know. i use that phrase a lot now (not just for the trivial saves the day album reference)
anyways i'm still super busy... all the time. it just don't stop. plus my school work is starting to stress me out. its just so much and with finals on the horizon it's not going to get much better with the shows coming up. still 5 weeks from now i'll be complaing that saratoga is boring and i wish i was busy in nyc so i should enjoy it.
as for my weekends well... i'm booked till i come back for the summer check it out:
this friday my mom is coming to visit/see me for easter/birthday
weekend more than likely party for my birthday which is tuesday
following weekend i hope to go home that thursday during the day because my class that afternoon is canceled, but housing is kicking my ass and might have to stay meaning i can't go home that weekend which that case is going to screw me in terms of getting my stuff home... it wont all go in one shot. hopefully this will work itself out...
next weekend after that foundry field recordings that friday night and cody is flying in so party with cody? more than likely.
following weekend: get up kids show in nyc that friday, saturday off to new jersey for bamboozle
the following weekend (we're in may now) i'm actually free, its my last weekend in the city though which sucks. sucks more than i'll probably be locked up in my room doing all of my finals.
this takes us to the end of my semester which is flying by, i cant believe we're in the final stretch here... i feel like it was yesterday when i awkwardly moved in here. still i'm gonna make these last 5 weeks count, i think they are going to rule (refer to post below for best weeks ever minus the stress)
april foolin'
april is going to the most crazy month ever for me, and may won't be much slower.
check it out:
april 2- asobi seksu
april 3- MSTRKRFT
april 10- mom comes to visit
april 14- i get older
april 16- home for weekend (maybe)
april 21- foundry field recordings
april 24- foundry field recordings
april 28- saves the day
may 1- get up kids
may 2- bamboozle
may 15- move back upstate for summer (thats the tentive date i'd be moving back)
as you can see my last 6 weeks are going to be totally crazy, not to mention final projects are going to be thrown in there... but alas i'll be going out with a bang on my first semester here in the city. the get up kids/bamboozle thing is going to be harsh, i dont see the guk show getting over till 11ish, i wont actually make it back my room till midnightish (this is all estimate) just to turn around the next morning and go to bamboozle in jersey where the gates open at 11:30am meaning i'd prob have to leave manhattan at like 930am.
still i'm soo excited for all of this, i mean THIS is why i moved here in the first place.
here's to the best 6 weeks of my life!