Sunday, April 29, 2007

i filmed all day

part one of filming yesterday i filmed kc around town skating, he did some cool stuff. expect a part from him soon.

then i did some filming for the fetish for ethics websode #2. hopefully that will be online by the end of the weekish.

but to do any of this i need my box back badly...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

fetish for ethics websode #1

the first websode for a fetish for ethics is online and read to be viewed! expect more websodes coming up as stuff happens!

and as always check out the band at

Sunday, April 22, 2007


kevin and i worked on the first websode all day. it looks great. we will hopefully be completed by tomorrow, and online by tuesday/wednesday.

i guess i spoke too soon about being unproductive.

long time no post

well like a week and a half or something, anyways on to the real news or something...

i'm working on the fetish for ethics 'web series' now so no dvd but little web episodes which will be fun to make seeing alot of shows are coming up and such.

other than that, thats it being unproductive is fun.

okay bye

Monday, April 09, 2007

happy april

ive been up to a whole lot of nothing as of late. awesome eh?

i have been to a few shows so heres some pics

taking back sunday/armor for sleep 4-1-07

alexisonfire 4-5-07
so as you can see i take shitty cell phone camera pics at shows. either way its decent times.

sorry im not updating this very often.

this is my last week being a teenager.