in the mist of finals
but i still got time for the top 9 albums of 2009!most of these didn't exactly blow me away but for sure are solid and will be in my rotation in 2010!
10 sonic youth- the eternal.
9. polar bear club- chasing hamburg
8. cky- carver city
7. thursday- common existence
6. owen- new leaves
5. metric- fantasies
4. new found glory- not without a fight
3. mstrkrft- fist of god
2. two tongues- s/t
1. set your goals- this will be the death of us
set your goals was hands down favorite for me, maybe i got a huge soft spot for them but that album for sure was the best followup to 'mutiny!'
here's to 2010, top 10 bands and songs of the year coming up soon! still got few more weeks of listening.
plus i cant believe this semester is almost over. i feel like i just got here.
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