denver/chicago/home/vermont, day seven: where you want to be
(1149am eastern time) i am on my first plane right now, and i'm going to chicago and not charlotte. i'm looking at this map of where w are right now... which the plane is going right down the state line of nebraska and kanas. it's pretty cool it says how fast we are going (542mph) how cold it is outside of plane (-60c) etc etc. the airport this morning was HUGE headache. why you ask? well i'm on a united flight right now and i was not supposed to be on. for some reason i dont know we are on a different flight and going to chicago. as soon we we got into the airport my cousin (who was waiting for his flight to vancouver) says we got to change our tickets etc, so we do no big deal. well here comes my favorite thing security... they do it in this huge opening the side of a food-court in a mall. of course because we changed our tickets we had to get super screening, i had to go though the puff machine that checks for bombs and stuff and have some dude search my bag. i myself did not get checked so i was cool with that, and my belt is safely tucked away in my bag. anyways the people at security screwed up my dads ticket and punched the wrong one so once we made it to the gate he had to get 'checked' again. my family is all in a tizzy over all of this crap going on my aunt and uncle are going to be separated on the plane to chicago to albany and everyone is just super tense with each other. anyways the bright side to being on different planes is i'm 'supposed' to get back into albany at 4 opposed to 6, so i can go home and not have to have chris get me in albany to go brattleboro to see devon. honestly i've been looking forward to it since i got to colorado. i'm supposed to get into chicago at like noon central time, with only like an hour layover, which is going to rule. anyways ill write how the next layover is in chicago.(157am) chicago was fine for me, my aunt and cousin had to get on a different flight which got into albany earlier tonight i think.
anyhoot i got into albany at like 415, back to saratoga at 530ish and was off to vermont with chris at 6. we got the show at about 8 and let me tell you devon ruled/was a super cool guy.
no details i need rest.
what a crazy week its been.
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