Tuesday, January 30, 2007

leif and i are on the train to new york...

thats a saves the day line if you are wondering.

i'm almost done mastering "asleep at the trigger." with school started back up and such i'm beginning to find less and less time to just finish stuff (or just to make .gifs). still i'll try to have it uploaded by sometime this week (i know i know i've been saying that for weeks now)

i might be purchasing a new lens very soon which will be awesome and super dooper concave and all fish eye like. who said skating is dead?! well i did but thats beside the point. and no part III will never be made.

anyways how are you? i know people peep this so say hi if you do in the comment section, i'm not going all myspace for comments i'm just saying, saying hi is nice.

aaaaaaand last but not least, stone cold steve austin on tv with a mullet wig.